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Mathematical Expression Editor
Simplifying complex numbers
There are a surprising number of consequences to the fact that , and one of these is
how far one can simplify a complex number. Indeed, it is always possible to put any
complex number into the form , where and are real numbers. This is not always
obvious, however there is a set technique to accomplish that task. As usual we start
with demonstrating the technique in a general case, and then give a concrete example
for one to use in comparison.
If we want to simplify an expression, it is always important to keep in mind what we
mean when we say ’simplify’. Typically in the case of complex numbers, we aim to
never have a complex number in the denominator of any term. To accomplish this,
we will first make an observation that may seem to be a non sequitur, but will prove
to be pivotal.
Lets see what happens if we multiply by it’s complex conjugate; . We get:
We end up getting , a real number! This will allow us to simplify the complex nature
out of a denominator. We demonstrate how in the following example.
Simply the complex number .
Applying the observation from the previous explanation; we multiply the top and bottom
(multiplying by one cleverly) of our fraction by the conjugate of the bottom to get:
Notice that the result, is vastly easier to deal with than .
As we saw above, any (purely) numeric expression or term that is a complex number,
can always be reduced using this technique to the form where and are some real
numbers. Because of this, we say that the form is the “standard form” of a complex
1 : Simplify the following complex expression into standard form.
to multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by the conjugate of the bottom; i.e.
and foil out. This should get you a real denominator.
Also notice that the “” is already provided, so you don’t need to type into your
2 : Simplify the following complex expression into standard form.
Remember to
multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by the conjugate of the bottom; i.e. and
foil out. This should get you a real denominator.
Also notice that the “” is already provided, so you don’t need to type into your
3 : Simplify the following complex expression into standard form.
Remember to
multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by the conjugate of the bottom; i.e. and
foil out. This should get you a real denominator.
Also notice that the “” is already provided, so you don’t need to type into your
4 : Simplify the following complex expression into standard form.
Remember to
multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by the conjugate of the bottom; i.e. and
foil out. This should get you a real denominator.
Also notice that the “” is already provided, so you don’t need to type into your