You've Wandered Off The Path!

If you see this, then you aren't properly connected to Xronos. Most likely you are on the UF wifi network: ufguest or UF GetOnline. Neither of these support Xronos. Make sure to log onto the wifi network: eduroam. If you aren't on campus (or you are already on eduroam) you should contact your instructor to get help accessing Xronos.


Ximera lets you write documents in LaTeX and post them as interactive activities online for your students.

By relying on GitHub to store content, you can easily share activities with your colleagues.

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Ximera brings the classroom to you, wherever you are.

You can use your favorite device to study math anywhere, anytime.

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Ximera computes statistics on student success, such as point biserials.

By creating branches in GitHub, you can quickly run A/B tests on student performance.

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Write once. Share everywhere. One source file for both PDF and HTML.

Write in LaTeX using the Ximera document class. You can print your document for your own students, or share your document with the world as an online interactive activity. Authoring in LaTeX combines the power of professional typesetting with modern web technology, all the while retaining the stability of a tried and true language.

Join the community. Ximera makes it easy to collaborate.

Each year, Ohio State holds a Ximera Workshop. This workshop is for both novices and experts. Novices learn how to use Ximera to make their own content, and experts extend the capabilities of the platform.

Release v1.0 at the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings.

The Ximera Team announced the v1.0 release of Ximera at a WEB SIGMAA lecture at the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings. The lecture was Friday, January 12, 2018 from 6pm - 6:50pm in San Diego, California.

Calculus content is available now.

Explore existing content for Calculus 1, Calculus 2, and Calculus 3.