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Mathematical Expression Editor
1 : Solve for in the following logarithmic equation:
Start by rewriting the log into an exponential form (i.e. put each side of the equal
sign as an exponent to a base which is the same value as the log’s base). For example,
start by rewriting as , then proceed to solve .
2 : Solve for in the following logarithmic equation:
Start by rewriting the log into an exponential form (i.e. put each side of the equal
sign as an exponent to a base which is the same value as the log’s base). For example,
start by rewriting as , then proceed to solve .
3 : Solve for in the following logarithmic equation:
Start by rewriting the log into an exponential form (i.e. put each side of the equal
sign as an exponent to a base which is the same value as the log’s base). For example,
start by rewriting as , then proceed to solve .
4 : Solve for in the following logarithmic equation:
Start by rewriting the log into an exponential form (i.e. put each side of the equal
sign as an exponent to a base which is the same value as the log’s base). For example,
start by rewriting as , then proceed to solve .