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Mathematical Expression Editor
Here we see a consequence of a function being continuous.
We can generalize the example above to get the following theorems.
Continuity of Polynomial FunctionsAll polynomial functions, meaning functions of the form where is a non-negative integer
and each coefficient , , is a real number, are continuous for all real numbers.
In order to show that any polynomial, , is
continuous at any real number, , we have to show that Write with me: Now by the Sum Law, and by the Product Law,
and by Continuity of Power functions And this equals… Since we have shown that , we have shown that is continuous at
Continuity of Rational Functions A rational function h, meaning a function of the form where and are polynomials, is
continuous for all real numbers except where . That is, rational functions are continuous wherever they are defined.
Let be a real
number. Notice that, if , then clearly is not defined (since you are trying to divide by zero). So we will consider only such that .
Then, since is continuous at (since is a polynomial, which we just showed are continuous everywhere), . Therefore, write with me,
and now by the Quotient Law, and by the continuity of polynomials we may now set Since we have shown that , we have shown
that is continuous at .
1 : Where is continuous?
for all real numbersat for all real numbers, except impossible to say
2 : True or false: If and are continuous functions on an interval , then is continuous on .
Let’s assume that is an open interval and is a number in . Remember, since and are both continuous on , they are both
continuous at .
This means that and .
Now, define a new function, , where , for all in . We have to show that is continuous at , or that
Lat’s start with
and, therefore,
We have proved that is continuous at any number in . Therefore, is continuous on . Similarly, we can prove that is continuous
on any interval , by showing it is left-or right-continuous at the endpoints. We can adjust the proof for the function .
3 : True or false: If and are continuous functions on an interval , then is continuous on .
In this case, will not be continuous for where .
We still don’t know how to compute a limit of a composition of two functions. Our next theorem provides basic rules for how limits
interact with composition of functions.
Composition Limit Law If and is continuous at , then
Because the limit of a continuous function is the same as the function value, we can now pass limits to the inside of continuous
Continuity of Composite Functions If is continuous at , and if is continuous at , then is continuous at .
Using the Composition Limit Law, we can compute the last example from the beginning of this section.
Compute the following limit using limit laws:
We will use the Composition Limit Law. Let where , and . Now, continuity
of implies that . Continuity of implies that is continuous at . Now, the Composition Limit Law implies that
We can confirm our results by checking out the graph of :
Many of the Limit Laws and theorems about continuity in this section might seem like they should be obvious. You may be
wondering why we spent an entire section on these theorems. The answer is that these theorems will tell you exactly when it is easy
to find the value of a limit, and exactly what to do in those cases.
The most important thing to learn from this section is whether the limit laws can be applied for a certain problem, and
when we need to do something more interesting. We will begin discussing those more interesting cases in the next
Let’s see some examples!
4 : Can this limit be directly computed by limit laws?
4.1 : Compute:
Since is a rational function, and the denominator does not equal , we see that is continuous at . Thus, to
find this limit, it suffices to plug into .
5 : Can this limit be directly computed by limit laws?
is a rational function, but the denominator equals when . None of our current theorems address the situation when the
denominator of a fraction approaches .