Description of Mastery-Based course.

This is a Mastery-Based course that will allow you to progress at your own pace as you show mastery of the content. One of the benefits to this model is that you will not be forced to keep pushing forward in the course when you do not know the fundamental material! You continue to get opportunities to show what you have learned through the course during exams.

The content of this course is divided into 12 modules: 8 core modules and 4 advanced modules. Approximately once a month, you will have the opportunity to show mastery in up to 4 modules (referred to as “Progress Exams”). If you show mastery, great! If not, you will be able to retry the module again next month. In this model, tests are no longer high-stakes assignments where a bad day could sink your grade.

You can find 3 examples of student progress below.


Notice how each time the student did not pass a Module (in red), they took that Module again during the next exam. To pass the course, you will need to show mastery in the 8 core modules (averaging 2 of 4 modules per Progress Exam). This equates to averaging a 50% on all of your exams in a traditional course.