During each Progress Exam, you will be tested on 4 Modules. Each Module will consist of 5 multiple choice questions. Answering 4/5 questions correctly will count as mastery of the Module. After you pass a Module, you no longer will test on it. In this way, you will keep testing on Modules until you show you understand the concept behind the Module. For example, if you mastered Modules 1 and 4 on the first exam, your next exam would be on Modules 2, 3, 5, and 6. Three example students and their progress in the course is provided below.


Your final grade in the course is based heavily on the number of Modules you pass during the 4 Progress Exams. You can consider yourself on-track to pass the course if you average 2 Modules per exam.

Unlike traditional exams, you will retest on topics you don’t do well on. That means the worse you do on an exam, the easier the following exam will be! This makes averaging 2 Modules per exam an easier task than if you were continually pushed to new topics. Check the Course Grade description for a more detailed look at how to calculate your grade in the course.