Description of Course Materials
Textbook: This course uses an open-source textbook, which can be found at Purchasing a copy of the textbook is not required.
You are not expected to read through the textbook. However, links are provided in
the homework system to the nearest corresponding book section. If you are confused
about something and want additional help, this would be the first place to check. The
course purposely explains things in a slightly different way than the textbook to
provide an alternative explanation.
Lectures: You will have access to video lectures for all of the content of the course. These videos can be found on Canvas and through the individual homework.
Videos are short (3-7 minutes) and targeted for specific objectives. Sometimes, a video will be a big-picture overview with all the information you need to solve related problems. Other times, they will be basic equations that showcase a specific solving technique. In both cases, the videos have all the information you need, but do not walk through solving the exact same problems in the homework. You are highly encouraged to take notes on the videos and use these notes to answer the questions.
If you believe there is information not provided in the videos but is necessary to
complete the corresponding problems, please contact the course coordinator.
Online Homework System:
The online homework system, Xronos, is an innovative platform developed by the Ohio State University. Using this platform is completely free to students.
For each Module, you will find an overview page, then a page for each course objective. This allows you to focus on individually skills while building your understanding of the function class. At the top of each page, you’ll find the ”Another” button. This allows you to reset the page, generate new problems, and practice as much as you need to.
All questions and concerns with Xronos should go to Dr. Chamberlain (either through Canvas or