Contact information and other general information.

Course Coordinator: Dr. Darryl Chamberlain Jr.

Dr. Chamberlain holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Statistics, with a research focus in Collegiate Mathematics Education. He oversees the development of the curriculum, homework questions, exams, and additional course resources (such as videos). Everything for this course has been designed based on current cognitive theories about how students learn.

Contact: through Canvas (preferred) or email You must use a UFL.EDU email. Emails from yahoo, gmail, aol, etc are immediately sent to spam filters and deleted. You should expect a response within 24 hours. Questions that have answers on the homepage, in an announcement, or can be Googled will not be answered.

Office Hours: Office hours are weekly scheduled times where you can ask questions and seek assistance with the course. You are free to visit the scheduled office hours without making an appointment. A list of all scheduled office hour times is available on Canvas. To meet with the course coordinator outside of the scheduled office hours, please email to make an appointment. Office hours can be in person (in LIT 437) or as a voice conference through Canvas. Please specify which you would prefer when you email to make an appointment.