We introduce the gradient vector.

The gradient is a useful tool in vector calculus. In some sense, it has the role that the derivative has in single-variable calculus. Let’s state the definition:

Try your hand at some casual computations.

Let , compute:
Let . Compute:

And now in three variables.

Let , compute:
Let . Compute:
Now that we can compute the gradient, let’s see if we can figure out what it means.

The initial greatest increase

First recall what it means for a function to be differentiable:

Given a function and a vector in the domain of , if one can “zoom in” on the graph at sufficiently so that it appears to be a plane, then the function is differentiable, and that plane is the tangent plane to at the point .

Now let’s imagine what the gradient is telling us about the plane. First let and consider the tangent plane:

  • If a component of is positive, traveling in its direction will ensure that you are “traveling uphill,” meaning you are raising the -value (at least initially).
  • If a component of is negative, traveling in its (negative) direction will also ensure that you are “traveling uphill,” meaning you are raising the -value (at least initially).

Expressing the tangent plane in terms of vectors and the dot product, we see From this we see that the components of form a vector that simultaneously points “most uphill” in the -direction, and “most uphill” in the -direction. The upshot?

The gradient points in the initial direction of the greatest increase of the function.

You may be wondering, “Why does the gradient only point in the ‘initial’ direction of greatest increase?” It can only be “initial” because the reasoning above relies on the fact that we can be “zoomed-in” enough for the surface to look like a plane. For your viewing pleasure, we have included a graph where you can see the -component of the gradient and the -component of the gradient combining to give the initial the direction one should leave from a point, and find the initial greatest increase in the function.

The gradient can help us understand how a function changes in a particular direction.

The directional derivative tells us how changes if we move one direction. If we want to make as large as possible, it makes sense to let be the direction of gradient since the dot product is largest when is in the same direction as .

Stand back. We’re going to do some serious calculus now. Just read, relax and enjoy.

Perpendicularity and the gradient

Now that we know gradient vectors point in the direction of the greatest initial increase of the function, let’s learn about their geometry. Consider again a plane. This time we’ll think about This plane increase with both the -values and -values and passes through the line in the -plane.

Let’s look at a contour plot:
Computing the gradient we find This vector is perpendicular to all the level curves.
This is not an accident, rather it is a general rule. Gradient vectors point in the initial direction of greatest increase. Every point on the level curve gives the same -value. Because of this if the gradient pointed any direction other than, “directly away,” and hence perpendicularly, from the level curve, it would not be pointing in the initial direction of greatest increase. The up-shot?

Gradient vectors are always orthogonal to level sets.

The fact that the gradient is always orthogonal to level surfaces is very powerful. In fact it gives new (easier!) solutions to old problems. Let’s use this fact to find a plane tangent to a surface.

Finally, sometimes we are given discrete data that can be adequately described and approximated by differentiable functions. In this case, the concept of the gradient will lead you to success.