A series is summation of a sequence.

Let’s jump right in.

Let’s start our investigation on this topic with a question (a little unfair, I know!).

Can the sum of an infinite number of terms be a finite value?
no sometimes
As we will see, the answer is “sometimes.” Believe it or not, you have been working with infinite sums of numbers (also called series) for a long time. Consider the number This is the infinite sum of the geometric sequence where , as We can sum other geometric series to finite values as well. Consider A very clever method of summing this sequence is as follows. Consider an equilateral triangle with area :
We can break this triangle into congruent triangles, each of area :
We can break the upper triangle into more congruent triangles, each with area :
Repeating this process, we find:
where the area of the shaded triangles is our geometric series: The area is clearly finite (it is between and !). What is the shaded area? Well, if you look at any “row” of the triangle, we’ve shaded in exactly one third of the row. Hence we’ve shaded in one third of the entire area, so we see While this is a very cool argument, it doesn’t generalize well. Let’s consider an argument that will apply to more settings.

This is a good method for understanding infinite sums of geometric sequences (assuming you know the sequence sums to a finite value).

To make this precise, we need some definitions.

Look back at the definition again. Previously, we’ve been using notation like to define our sequences. Suddenly, we’ve switched the index to a instead of an in some places. This notation is to help you keep in mind the differences between the two at work, here: and . The first sequence gives us the terms of our series; we are not usually concerned about its limit. We do want to consider the limit of the sequence of partial sums , since this will give us the sum of the series.

Using our new terminology, what is the behavior of the series we considered above? The series convergesdiverges , and .

Geometric series

We started this section with two different geometric series that sum to the same value. One reason geometric series are important is that they have nice convergence properties.

From our work above, we see that the th partial sum of the geometric series is Using this fact, we can prove a theorem.

According to the theorem above the series converges, and This concurs with our introductory example; while there we got a sum of , we skipped the first term of .

Which of the following series converge?
The initial index doesn’t matter as far as convergence is concerned, it is the “tail” of the sequence that determines convergence.

Let’s use our new tools to find the sums of some geometric series.

Connections to decimals

Remember how we pointed out that is a geometric series? We can use our techniques for summing geometric series to find fractions equal to given decimals.

Telescoping series

Telescoping series are infinite sums that “collapse” to more manageable expressions. Let’s see an example.

We’ve just seen an example of a telescoping series. Informally, a telescoping series is one in which the partial sums reduce to just a finite number of terms. The partial sum did not contain terms, but rather just two: The example above gives us a moral: when possible, seek a way to write an explicit formula for the th partial sum . This makes evaluating the limit much more approachable. We do so in the next example.

Properties of sums

We are learning about a new mathematical object, the series. As done before, we apply “old” mathematics to this new topic.

Notice, of course, that we’re working with convergent series in this theorem. The results don’t necessarily hold if or are divergent!