We can use the procedure of “Slice, Approximate, Integrate” to find the length of curves.

We have seen how the procedure of “Slice, Approximate, Integrate” can be used to find areas and volumes. Another geometric application of this procedure is to find the length of a segment of a curve.

Motivating Example: Consider the segment of the curve from to :


How do we find the length of this segment of the curve? Let’s try applying the procedure of “Slice, Approximate, Integrate”!

Step 1: Slice Since the curve is described as a function of , we begin by slicing the curve into many segments with respect to :


Approximate: In order to find the approximate length of the curve, we must approximate each slice by a type of curve whose length we know how to compute.

We really only know how to compute the arclength of one type of curve - a line segment! In fact, if the endpoints of a line segment are and then the Pythagorean Theorem gives the distance between the points:

We thus approximate each slice as a line segment:


We thus have that the length of a single segment is and can write:

to indicate that the approximate length of the curve is found by adding together all of the lengths of the line segments.

Step 3: Integrate As usual, we want to let the slice width become arbitrarily small, and since we have sliced with respect to , we eventually want to integrate with respect to . While the expression for the approximate length is conceptually useful, it does not pass to an integral easily in its current form! To write in a manageable form, we can do some algebra:

Now, note that for the two endpoints of the slice:

The quantity is the slope of the secant line. The quantity is the slope of the tangent line.

Assuming that the curve is differentiable along each slice, as the slice becomes arbitrarily small, the quantity :

can be treated as 0. approaches the slope of the tangent line at some -value in the slice.

We can now write the exact length as:

Here, , so .

Thus, the arclength is:

Using the trigonometric identity , we have:

Using a calculator to find the length to 3 decimal places gives: .

Length of Curves Formula

Formula 1. Suppose the segment of a curve between the points on and in the -plane is defined by a sufficiently differentiable function. Then, the length of this curve segment is:

Let’s see a few examples:

Just as it was sometimes advantageous to integrate with respect to in our area and volume calculations, it can also help us sometimes in arclength calculations. Unlike the area and volume problems, where the geometry of the region often suggested a preferred variable of integration, these problems require us only to consider how we describe the curve in question (and whether we want to work with its given description!) when choosing the variable of integration.

Sometimes, the integrals that arise can be tricky to compute analytically and require careful differentiation and algebra:

Finally, most of the integrands arising in length calculations do not have elementary antiderivatives, so oftentimes you will only be able to set them up and estimate them numerically.

Final thoughts

To summarize some important points from this section:

As usual, practice is important! Make sure you work through the problems slowly. A small mistake early on in the problem can produce catastrophic results!

“Did you hear about the mathematician who took up gardening? He only grows vegetables with square roots!” - Anonymous