This section describes how accuracy and precision are different things, and how that relates to graphs.
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There is a subtle but incredibly important distinction between precision and accuracy. Science (and especially mathematics) is all about knowing your level of precision. In it’s essence, precision is how exact the answer is, whereas accuracy is how close to correct your answer is.
It may seem like these are the same things but they are quite different. Consider the following illuminating example of the difference.
After a brief run of the numbers himself, the boss talks to Grant about the calculations and asks why he felt thirty-five digits of accuracy were helpful. Grant confidently tells his boss that he wanted to be ‘as accurate as possible!’. The boss agrees that Grant was definitely quite precise with the calculation. ‘In fact, with thirty-five digits of accuracy, we could build a bridge the width of the known universe and place it to within an atom of where we wanted!’ he mentions. ‘Unfortunately for you however’ the boss continues, ‘it wasn’t exactly accurate, since you forgot to check your units and ended up being off by about thirty meters.’ The boss chuckles as Grant turns a rather alarming shade of red in embarrassment but he encourages Grant to give it another shot ‘perhaps without quite so many digits of precision this time eh?’