A sequence is an ordered list of numbers.
For example, here is a sequence: Here is another sequence:
Note that numbers in the list can repeat. The dots “…” signify that the list keeps going, and going...and going forever. We often want to refer to a specific term in this list, so we introduce some standard notation:
The subscript in the above notation is called the index and describes how we reference the first term. In general, we like to index sequences starting at or , but would like to have the freedom to make other choices should it be convenient. Thus, there is no unique way to describe a given list of numbers; for example, for the sequence:
we could define this by , where , , , etc or by , where , , , etc.
While there seems to be a pattern, without explicitly listing more terms (or giving a rule that defines the successive terms), it’s impossible to establish what the next term is!
In fact, here are two different sequences whose first 5 terms are the same as the example above:
We see that
We see that
We see that
We see that
We see that
We see that
While we have made no real argument that these are the maximum number of regions, we believe that if the young mathematician draws more pictures they will be convinced.
From the two sequences we’ve just considered, the method of “finding a pattern” is not enough when dealing with sequences unless you understand exactly how the sequence was produced. However, having to define each term explicitly is quite cumbersome. In general, we want to define a sequence by specifying a rules that will allow us to write down any term that we want. There are two important ways that are generally used to describe a sequence:
Two common methods of representing sequences
Just as real-valued functions were usually expressed by a formula, we will most often encounter sequences that can be expressed by a formula. We say that such sequences are defined explicitly, or that we have an explicit formula for the sequence.
More generally, two sequences and are equal if they have the same initial index and for every integer , the th terms have the same value, that is,
We start by defining the first few elements of the sequence, and then describe how later elements are computed in terms of previous elements.
Note that both the explicit formula and recursive formula in the previous examples seem to generate the same list of numbers. By writing out more and more terms, the young mathematician will find that it indeed seems like these seemingly different rules generate the same sequence!
the explicit rule for generates the same sequence, and may prove beyond doubt that this is indeed the case by using induction. We leave it to the curious young mathematician to research and explore this idea further.
Two important types of sequences
The previous example of a sequence is actually an example of a very common type of sequence called an arithmetic sequence .
In general, an arithmetic sequence in which subsequent terms differ by can be written as Alternatively, we could describe an arithmetic sequence recursively, by giving a starting value , and using the rule that . You should check that this general statement holds for our two previous examples!
A second family of sequences we consider are “geometric” sequences. These will play an important role later on, so we start with a definition:
A geometric sequence can also decrease as it progresses.
In general, a geometric sequence in which the ratio between subsequent terms is can be written as Alternatively, we could describe a geometric sequence recursively, by giving a starting value , and using the rule that . As usual, you should check that these general rules hold for the specific examples we’ve considered!
Generating new sequences from other sequences
Once we have defined a given sequence, we can define new sequences using it. This is an absolutely fundamental idea that will appear again and again later!
We are going to build new sequences from this one, so let’s write out some terms in the sequence :
Write out the first five terms in this new sequence.
Recall that the notation is shorthand notation used to represent the sum:
Continuing in the same way, we find:
Note that there are 2 ways to compute each of the terms above. One way is to perform the explicit addition each time, but the clever young mathematician may notice that there is a faster way. For instance, if we have already computed , we may notice:The astute young mathematician may go as far as to notice that in general:
With more work, an explicit formula may also be developed:
For , by setting , we find , and after a little algebra: . Thus, we can check whether this satisfies :
This is precisely the expression for !
Note that establishing that the sequences start at the same value is important here. The general philosophy here was to show that the first term in each sequence is the same, and the above computations verify that for any term with , both rules generate the same result. Had we specified a different starting value for the recursive formula, the rule would still satisfy the recursive relationship , but each expression would generate a different list of numbers!
“Obvious” is the most dangerous word in mathematics” -E.T. Bell