We review differentiation and integration.

Review of derivative rules

One of the fundamental objects of differential calculus is the derivative. As a reminder, here are some important results:

Let , be a constant and .

Powers of :



Trigonometric Functions:

Inverse Trigonometric Functions:

  • for
  • for
Using the above rules only, what is the derivative of with respect to ?

Once the derivatives of basic functions have been established, we can use them to build the derivatives of more complicated functions:

What is the derivative of with respect to ?
What is the derivative of with respect to ?
What is the derivative of with respect to ?
What is the derivative of with respect to ?


As a summary, one of the important questions of differential calculus is “Given a function, what is its derivative?” There is an important related question in integral calculus that requires “undoing” the process of differentiation; that is, “Given a function, what functions do we have to differentiate to obtain it?” This is made precise by the following definition:

There is an important, but subtle way this definition is phrased; note that we used the phrase “an antiderivative” and not “the antiderivative”. To expound:

Which of the following are antiderivatives of ?

Notice that there are several choices for antiderivatives of ! So, how could these antiderivatives differ? The answer is a consequence of the Mean Value Theorem:

This theorem guarantees that the antiderivatives of a function are the same up to an additive constant, which allows us to introduce the following notation:

Now it’s your turn!

Unfortunately, many of the helpful rules that allow us to find derivatives of more complicated functions are not easily reversible. We do have the following:

Find .

Unfortunately, there is no rule that allows us to compute antiderivatives of products, quotients, or compositions of arbitrary functions based off of the antidifferentiation formulas for their constituent functions as there is with differentiation!

Consider . Which of the following is ?

The following is a question that employs the same logic, but is phrased a bit differently:

Now, you try!

Find a function such that .

Whenever you compute an indefinite integral, you can always check your work by taking the derivative. In particular, this means that if you are given choices for the antiderivative, you can check . Note, there are always many choices for antiderivative, as they may differ by a constant.

Definite Integrals

For continuous functions, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus provides the link between the process of antidifferentiation and finding certain areas. This will be reviewed in a subsequent section, but we review how to compute definite integrals of continuous functions here:

Common techniques for finding antiderivatives

In some sense, calculating derivatives is “easy”. Most of the functions that you’ve studied so far are sums, scalar multiples, products, quotients, or compositions of the functions listed at the beginning of this section. A “brute force” application of the sum, scalar multiple, product, quotient, and chain rules will eventually lead to a correct derivative. Integration is more of an art form. We often have to apply various techniques in order to write down a nice formula for the antiderivatives. We explore some of the common ones here:

Preliminary algebra

A good first step in attempting to compute antiderivatives involves simplifying the integrand first. Make sure you are careful when doing algebra!


While some integrands involve complicated expressions that cannot be simplified algebraically, a change of variable can often help. Often, when an integrand involves a composition of a trigonometric, exponential, or power and another function, letting a new variable represent the inner function helps!

Sometimes, the substitutions involve some preliminary algebra:

Letting be nonzero, what is the antiderivative of ?

Let’s see another example involving a trickier substitution and a definite integral. First, recall the substitution theorem for definite integrals:

This reminds us that to work with definite integrals, we need to write the integrand, the differential, and the limits of integration in terms of the new variable!

Splitting Up Fractions

In a similar vein, if you have a rational function, it can help to separate the integrand into several fractions.

Other Techniques

Your old friend (or enemy!) long-division can help too.

Finally, sometimes it helps to complete the square.

As you can see, integration is often far more challenging than differentiation. Concerted time and practice are needed to become familiar with the necessary technique or techniques required to evaluate antiderivatives. As a final strategy, please, when you are learning, feel free to find the answer using a computer. While this may seem like “cheating” but you can gain insight from it as long as you make sure you understand how to obtain the answer!

Always remember: Don’t give up.