We introduce two important unit vectors.

Given a smooth vector-valued function , any vector parallel to is tangent to the graph of at . It is often useful to consider just the direction of and not its magnitude. Therefore we are interested in the unit vector in the direction of . This leads to a definition.
Let . Find .

Just as knowing the direction tangent to a path is important, knowing a direction orthogonal to a path is important. When dealing with real-valued functions, one defined the normal line at a point to the be the line through the point that was perpendicular to the tangent line at that point. We can do a similar thing with vector-valued functions. Given in , we have directions perpendicular to the tangent vector

The young mathematician wonders “Is one of these two directions preferable over the other?” This question only gets harder in higher dimensions. Given in , there are infinite vectors orthogonal to the tangent vector at a given point. Again, we might wonder “Is one of these infinite choices preferable over the others? Is one of these the ‘right’ choice?”

The answer in both and is “Yes, there is one vector that is preferable, and it is the ‘right’ one to choose!” Recall:

If has constant length, then is orthogonal to for all .

Since , the unit tangent vector, it necessarily has constant length. Therefore

The vector-valued function is more than just a convenient choice of vector that is orthogonal to ; rather, it is the “right” choice. We will use this to construct our unit normal vector:

Let as before. Find .