Visual introduction to Limits

Video Lecture



This process of considering values near a point, but not actually at a point was the original motivation behind limits. Before we get into the nuts and bolts of what limits are and how to compute them though, it is helpful to get a better idea of what a limit actually is. That is, what does it look like when we “take a limit”?

As we progress through the semester (and future calculus semesters) it is deceptively easy to lose sight of what is actually happening when we are computing a limit. Indeed, with all the number crunching and simplifying of functions and expressions, it can easily feel just like another algebra class (albeit with very difficult algebra!) However, this misses the very essence of limits! The key idea about limits isn’t what is happening at a point (say, in time), but rather what is happening around a point (in time).

Consider the following situation.

At its core taking a limit of a function at some specific value , is the process of figuring out what should be, by finding out what is for values “suitably close” (remember this phrase, it will come up again! And again... and again...) to .

As a more concrete visual, consider the following graph:

What is the value of ?
could be anything, we don’t know. does not exist as it is undefined.

The previous question is, admittedly, a little goofy; a better question might be the following:

What value is the function approaching as gets “near” to .
could be anything, we don’t know. does not exist as it is undefined.

There are many times when a function’s behavior at a point does not necessarily correlate to its behavior right nearby (often because it doesn’t exist!). This is why we use limits! Remember, limits tell you about a function’s behavior arbitrarily close to the (-)value of interest, but not actually at the value. This let’s us circumvent the problems that arise when a function doesn’t exist at some specific -value.

What is the purpose of a limit?
To give me a headache. To find what a function equals at a given point. To determine where a function is heading for a specific -value of interest (without knowing what it equals there). To find derivatives and integrals and all kinds of calculus-y things.

Our goal is to make this process rigorous, i.e. to be able to write down in the language of mathematics this idea of limits and how to compute them. Before we can do this however we need to get a little more specific about what we mean by having an value “nearby” to the value of interest. We do that in the next part.