Note: There are no textbook or videos directly to this section. If you want to review a certain type of model, you will need to go back to that Module.

We summarize the types of models we’ve looked at below.

Linear Model:

  • Used when we have a constant variation between two quantities.
  • . Can be multiple lines added together.
  • Phrases to look for: consant, steadily increasing/decreasing, adding/subtracting [/, /,] every [/, /,].

Direct Variation:

  • Used when we have a direct variation between two quantities (as one quantity increases, the other increases).
  • . Joint variation may have more than one variable (like )
  • Phrases to look for: vary directly, directly proportional, “as one increases, so does the other”.

Inverse Variation:

  • Used when we have an indirect variation between two quantities (as one quantity increases, the other decreases).
  • . Combined with joint variation, there may be more than one variable (like ).
  • Phrases to look for: vary indirectly, directly proportional, “as one increases, the other decreases”.

Logarithmic Model:

  • Used when we have a rapid early growth, then slower growth later.
  • . Remember that .
  • Phrases to look for: rapid early growth/decay, no bound on growth/decay.

Exponential Model:

  • Used when we have a slow initial growth, then rapid growth later.
  • . Common bases are 2, 3, and .
  • Phrases to look for: rapid late growth/decay, bounds on growth/decay.

Determine the type of model that would be most appropriate for each situation below. Answers will be either:

  • Linear
  • Direct
  • Indirect
  • Logarithmic
  • Exponential
  • General (if we are going to use the general form of a particular function)
Your bank offers a savings account that will increase your total balance by 0.2% annually. You want to decide how much to initially deposit and if the initial deposit makes a big difference in the long run. S

A ball is dropped from the top of Century Tower. The ball steadily picks up speed before hitting the ground. You want to figure out what the ball’s height is at a certain time.

Chemists commonly create a solution by mixing two products of differing concentrations together. For example, a chemist could have large amounts of a 10% acid solution and a 30% acid solution, but need a 10 liter 15% solution.

[Astronomy] Kepler’s Third Law: The square of the time, , required for a planet to orbit the Sun is directly proportional to the cube of the mean distance, , that the planet is from the Sun.

[Physics] The rate of vibration of a string under constant tension, , varies inversely with the length of the string, .

A population of bacteria doubles every hour.

[Anthropology] Radiocarbon dating is used to calculate the approximate date a plant or animal died by noting the percentage of carbon-14, in the object. The age of the object , in years, is directly proportional to the natural log of the percentage of carbon-14, in the object.

The weight of an object above the surface of Earth varies inversely with the square of the distance from the center of Earth.

The kinetic energy of a moving object varies jointly with its mass and the square of its velocity .

Carlos has taken an initial dose of a prescription medication orally. The medicine is absorbed rapidly by the large intestine and absorbed slowly as it is digested otherwise.


A ball is dropped from the top of Century Tower. The ball steadily picks up speed before hitting the ground. You want to figure out what the ball’s speed is at a certain time.


Figure 1: A sigmodial curve.

Kappa Delta is hosting an all-you-can-eat pancake fundraiser to support the prevention of child abuse. Adult (18+) tickets are $10 and teen (10-17) tickets are $5. Children under 10 are let in without a ticket. The ticket-sellers only keep track of the total number of tickets sold and total revenue, but want to know how many adult and teen tickets were sold.